Congress of Power
Inner strength, mental toughness, resilience – words that are not foreign to us, but it is definitely easier for us to talk about them in theory than to apply their meaning in practice. The situations we experience often make us feel that we have reached our limit. “I can’t stand it, I can’t handle it” – this thought appears in our heads, intrusive, but possible to overcome. I, too, have often been at a point where it seemed to me that the reality I found was beyond my strength. So it is worth taking care to strengthen your mental toughness, and that is why I come to you today with Congress of Power.
Marek Kamiński
Before we get to the congress itself, I need to take a moment for Marek Kamiński. He is the epitome of resilience, inner strength, and the ability to survive in extreme conditions. He was the first person in the world to conquer both Earth poles without external help. His feat was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. He also conquered the highest mountain in Antarctica and the highest peak in Greenland, and crossed the Gibson Desert in 46 days, and these are just a few of his achievements. Marek Kamiński is also a graduate of philosophy and the creator of the Biegun motivational method.
Currently, Marek Kamiński's biggest projects include LifePlan Academy, Power4Resilience and Kamiński Academy. It is on behalf of Kamiński Academy that he is implementing the second Congress of Power.
II Congress of Power
Pomorski Park Naukowo – Technologiczny w Gdyni
4 – 5.10.2024 r.
The second edition of the Power Congress will take place in October. This is a unique event that is entirely dedicated to the topic of building mental resilience. During the Power Congress, there will be lectures, thematic panels, workshops and individual sessions. All this in the company of great speakers, to whom you will have the chance to ask questions. The Congress is not only a chance to gain important knowledge and useful skills, but also to establish new contacts. After all, everyone meets there for one purpose - to strengthen themselves internally, to learn how to survive.
There are many experts cooperating with the Congress of Power, and each of them has not only outstanding achievements, but also a unique history. In addition to Marek Kamiński, the list of speakers also includes Mateusz Kusznierewicz, Olympic and world champion in sailing. Another incredible personality associated with the Congress of Power is Janek Mela, the youngest in history and the only disabled conqueror of both poles, as well as the founder of the Poza Horyzonty foundation.
I strongly encourage you to check out the full list of experts at the Power Congress, it's really worth it to see what amazing people you can meet there. You can find all the information HERE..
The last day of the Power Congress is dedicated to a special event: the Power March.
March of Power – for Strength and Efficiency
March of Power is a unique event aimed at supporting the development of mental resilience in young people. The entire project is based on the principle of crowdfunding. Funds collected from the March are allocated to the implementation of the program organized at the Power Center, including stationary workshops with a trainer.
The route of this year's March of Power is beautiful. It starts at the Lighthouse in Gdańsk and ends at the incredibly charming Polanka Redłowska. You can also take part in the March of Power virtually - just choose any location, walk 16 km and send photos. In this way, you can support the Centre of Power and receive a virtual certificate of participation.
II Kongres Mocy organizowany przez Kamiński Academy to wyjątkowa okazja, aby spotkać się z ludźmi, którzy inspirują do działania i przekraczania własnych ograniczeń. Wydarzenie skierowane do osób pragnących rozwijać swoje kompetencje, odkrywać nowe możliwości i stawać się silniejszymi zarówno w życiu zawodowym, jak i osobistym. Marka Kamińskiego – polarnika, podróżnika i innowatora – można uznać za symbol mocy i determinacji, które stanowią fundament Kongresu. Nie przegapcie tej wyjątkowej okazji – jeśli tylko macie szansę spędzić pierwsze dni października na Pomorzu, zróbcie to!